SRNSFG announces 2022 Call for Interdisciplinary Research Grant in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Title of the call: Call for Interdisciplinary Research grant in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 2022
Call Abbreviation: STEM
Aim of the call:
To promote the development of ideas, hypotheses and concepts focused on solving modern challenges, data processing and analysis, development of new approaches, methods, methodologies, and technologies by combining two or more scientific disciplines. The project proposals funded within this call should contribute to the strengthening of the national science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) field and its inclusion in the country's social, political, economic, cultural and technological progress.
Project type: Institutional
Call terms:
Only interdisciplinary research projects can be funded within this call. Interdisciplinary research is defined as joint research of at least two scientific fields (disciplines). A detailed list of scientific fields (disciplines) and subfields (subdisciplines) is specified in the scientific classifier of the call.
The key personnel with the host and co-participant organization is eligible to apply for this call.
The Principal Investigator should meet the following requirements:
- Is a citizen of Georgia;
- Holds a doctorate or equivalent academic degree;
- Is a researcher of at least one discipline (field) studied according to the project proposal;
- Has at least 5 years of scientific work experience, or is the Principal Investigator of at least one completed scientific grant call;
- His/her scientific productivity, at the time of registration of the project proposal for the call, is: h-index not less than 5 according to the Scopus database.
The expenditure of the requested sum from the foundation must meet the following requirements:
- The duration of the project submitted for the call should be 24 months;
- Grant funding requested from the Foundation should not exceed 70,000 GEL per year;
- Grant funding for the key personnel should not exceed 40,000 GEL per year;
- Salary for supporting personnel should not exceed 5000 GEL per year;
- Overhead – Indirect costs required for realization of planned project activities should not exceed 5% of requested funding from SRNSFG in total.
Call administration calendar:
November 11-November 25, 16:00-Registration in the Grants Management Unified System (GMUS);
November 11-Online group consultation dates;
November 28, 18:00-deadline for delivering the application document at the SRNSFG office;
December, 2022-Eligibility check of the submitted projects;
December, 2022-Publish midterm results of the call;
December, 2022- -Evaluation of submitted projects;
December, 2022-Publish final results of the Call;
December, 2022-Sign the grant agreement.
Call Regulatory documentation:
Decree of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia N82/ნ;
Decree of the SRNSFG Director General N201;
The Fields of Science and Technology Classification;
Useful annexes and materials:
Terms of Reference – Annex 1
General information about the project – fill in GMUS, Annex 2
Project proposal- Annex 3 ;
CV – Fill in GMUS, Annex 4;
Project timeframe – Fill in GMUS, Annex 5
Project budget and justification – Fill in GMUS, Annex 6
Letter of co-funding commitment (if applicable) – Annex 7 ;
Statement of participation in the call- Generated from GMUS after project is submitted, Annex 8
Note: Regulatory documents and annexes of the Call are accessible on the Georgian version of the website.
Important information for the applicants:
Please read the Decree of Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, SRNSFG Director General’s decree, call conditions and other annexes carefully.
Only group consultations will be held.
Send all the questions to the e-mail address:
Call coordinators:
Davit Chichua
Ana Polodashvili
Nino Abuselidze
Good Luck!