შოთა რუსთაველის საქართველოს ეროვნული სამეცნიერო ფონდი

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia

For Science, for Future, for Georgia

საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტრო



European Union-funded Twinning program is a long-term institution-building instrument supporting partner countries through institutional cooperation, acquiring the necessary skills and expertise to approximate EU legislation.

The EU-funded Twinning project “Supporting inter-sectoral collaboration possibilities between research and industry” is designed to support the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia in enhancing the development of the science, technology and innovation system of Georgia.

The project is mentioned in TAIEX and Twinning annual activity report 2020  


Project implementation period: 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2023

Budget: 1 300 000 EUR


The overall objective is to address the priorities and challenges in Georgia’s Science, Technology and Innovation System to ensure an interdisciplinary approach, collaborative research, and promoting evidence-based policy implementation in line with the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.

The specific objective is to enhance the capacity of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) by revising and improving existing programs and operational activities of SRNSFG in response to national priorities and socio-economic challenges, considering the regional and international context.

The project will address the absence of science-business collaboration, promote inter-sectoral multidisciplinary research opportunities and support the advancement of the Science, Technology and Innovation system in Georgia.

Project components


Component 1. Science–business links strengthened through supportive collaborative activities and funding schemes


Sub-result 1.1. Diversification of the research funding sources encouraged and inter-sectoral collaboration strengthened

Main output: developed templates of cooperation agreements between research institutions and companies and elaborated roadmap for diversification of research funding sources.


Sub-result 1.2. Scientific priorities identified and set

Main output: identified scientific priorities important for science and business collaboration


Sub-result 1.3. Coordination and consolidation of activities for science-business collaboration promoted and strengthened

Main output: proposed matchmaking tools for science and business collaboration


Component Leader: Christian Hartmann, Joanneum Research, Austria

Component Leader counterpart: Ketevan Gabitashvili, SRNSFG


Component 2. Legal framework and grant call administration procedures of SRNSFG revised and improved


Sub-result 2.1. Existing call documents and legal regulations amended/modified

Main output: revised Applied Research grant call regulatory documents



Sub-result 2.2. New targeted programs initiated and implemented

Main output: developed Applied Research new grant call regulatory documents


Component Leader: Jörn Grünewald, DLR Project Management Agency, Germany

Component Leader counterpart: Mariam Betsiashvili, SRNSFG


Component 3. Institutional capacity of SRNSFG to strengthen international collaboration enhanced


Sub-result 3.1. Supporting schemes/preparatory activities and capacity building based on international standards promoted and implemented

Main output: developed internationalization strategy and action plan for SRNSFG

Component Leader: Reinhard Belocky, Austrian Science Fund

Component Leader counterpart: Rusudan Jobava, SRNSFG


Component 4. Science Communication and awareness on science-business collaboration stimulated


Sub-result 4.1. Awareness-raising and science communication actions through targeted programs and supporting activities – conducted

Main outputs: revised targeted grant call for science popularization and the call “Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Science”. Guidelines for science communication developed and media campaigns conducted.


Component Leader: Gilbert Ahamer, Environment Agency Austria

Component Leader counterpart: Maia Kajaia, SRNSFG