CNRS - Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
The French National Center for Scientific Research and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation joint call - international Program for Scientific Cooperation (PICS) aims at developing scientific cooperation between the two countries’ research community, increasing research potential of Georgian scientists, encouraging young scientists to participate in international joint calls, facilitating research internalization in Georgia.
PICS is a joint research programme aimed at supporting joint research projects carried out by two research teams: The French and the foreign one. In situations where cooperation between partners is well established, and has resulted in joint publications in scientific journals, it is possible to formalize the relationship through PICS. This is a more involved form of cooperation than a plain exchange of researchers in that it is based on pre-existing joint research, and has a longer period. It brings together two research teams and the participation of young researchers (Ph.D.s and postdocs) is encouraged. Funding required by the cooperation to support exchanges between Georgia and France comes from both partners: CNRS and SRNF.
Project duration: PICS joint project duration can be up to 36 months.