Joint Call for Proposals of French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF)
The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) announced a joint call for proposals in the frame of “International Program for Scientific Cooperation” (PICS).
PICS is a joint research program aimed at supporting joint research projects carried out by two teams, one from CNRS and one from abroad. Funding required by the cooperation to support exchanges comes from both partners.
In situations where cooperation with a foreign partner is well established, and has resulted in joint publications in scientific journals, it is possible to formalize the relationship through PICS. This is a more involved form of cooperation than a plain exchange of researchers in that it is based on pre-existing joint research, and has a longer period. It brings together two research teams and the participation of young researchers (Ph.D.s and postdocs) is encouraged.
In the framework of international scientific cooperation (CNRS PICS), Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation will fund Georgian research team - between 5000-10000 Euros per project annually -while CNRS supports French team of scientists. The duration of funded projects is 3 years.
Funding provided by SRNSF can be used for the following budget categories:
- Scientific visit to partner country (travel expenses),
- Arranging business meetings and seminars, other costs related to research.
- Other costs
‘Other costs’ must not exceed 50% of required sum from the foundation.
Additional information about the program is available on CNRS website-
Call description in French can be accessed through the following link:
The Georgian scientists should submit their applications to SRNSF, while their counterpart French researchers are to submit their applications to CNRS.
The deadline for submission of applications to CNRS is June 2, 2016.
The deadline for submission of applications to SRNSF is June 3, 2016, 17:00.
Applications submitted to SRNSF after the deadline will not be considered.
Call Schedule:
18/04/2016 – Call announcement;
2/06/2016 - Deadline for submission of applications to CNRS;
3/06/2016, 17:00 – Deadline for submitting application and “Statement on participation in the call” to the Foundation’s Office;
June 2016: Eligibility check conducted by SRNSF;
November 2016 – January 2017: Evaluation of proposals by CNRS Panel;
February 2017 – Evaluation and approval of the proposals selected by CNRS by Georgian Independent Experts;
March 2017 – Approval and Announcement of the Call’s Results;
The detailed information on the call can be found in the following documents:
- Order of the Minister of Education and Science
- Order of SRNSF Director General
- Guidelines and Rules for Participationროგრამა და პირობები
- სApplication Form (In English)
- Joint Statement Form
Contact person at CNRS: Ms. Gulnara Le Torrivellec: Tel: +33 1 44 96 44 53; E-mail:
Contact person at SRNSF: Mr. Nikoloz Bakradze; Tel: +995 322 200 220 (4406); E-mail: