შოთა რუსთაველის საქართველოს ეროვნული სამეცნიერო ფონდი

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia

For Science, for Future, for Georgia

საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტრო

The Joint Research Centre

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy.

The JRC draws on over 50 years of scientific work experience and continually builds its expertise based on its seven scientific institutes, which host specialist laboratories and unique research facilities. They are located in Belgium (Brussels and Geel), Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.

The Science Hub brings together scientific knowledge produced by the Joint Research Centre, the science and knowledge service of the European Commission. It is the platform for information and exchange about all scientific activities carried out by the JRC and by our institutes across Europe.

For updated information on the Joint Research Centre activities, you can get acquainted with the JRC newsletter. As of June 2015, the JRC's newsletter has gone digital. You can subscribe to receive a monthly update direct to your inbox. Latest edition of the newsletter is available here