შოთა რუსთაველის საქართველოს ეროვნული სამეცნიერო ფონდი

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia

For Science, for Future, for Georgia

საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტრო

Innovative Medicines Initiative Funding Opportunities

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia disseminates information about The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) which now launched its 15th and 16th Calls for proposals under IMI2. The Calls give researchers from diverse sectors the opportunity to participate in ambitious public-private partnerships that will pave the way for the development of the medicines of the future.

innovative medicines initiative is a partner organization of European Union and their joint budget - 3.27 billion Euro (Between 2014 – 2020) is focused on funding innovative researches for medicines future development.

Participants must send short proposals for taking part and the deadline is 24 October 2018.

For Registration links, call conditions and other additional information (webinars and instructions) please see the attached file.