შოთა რუსთაველის საქართველოს ეროვნული სამეცნიერო ფონდი

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia

For Science, for Future, for Georgia

საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტრო

Successful projects and scientists

Evaluation of ecological problems of the Black Sea against the background of global warming and forecasting of erosive and mudflow processes as well as solid sediments of river basins for protecting G

It is widely known the purpose of the Black Seafor economical connection between East and West. It is one main part of transport corridor and its ports are an important tool for cargo shipping. It is known also about its ecological problems, which has acquired international importance today.

From the ecological problems first is water quality, among them distribution of hydrogen sulfide and intensification of abrasion processes of sea coastal zone connecting to  sea level increase, on which is depend development of tourism, visitor entry and shipping of goods from ports.

Due to all above mention in the framework of the project (2014-2017) has been implemented Suitable research:

  • It has beenstudied background condition of the water quality (27-29 charachteristics);
  • It has been determinate level of hydrogen sulfide distribution;
  • It has been worked out measure for protect sea coastal zone from abrasion processes;

In the territorial water of Georgia, sea water is polluted with some heavy metals, but sea water quality from the ecological safety is satisfactory and is not danger for health of human.

Recently, in the Black Sea level of hydrogen sulfide is not alert, however, it is necessary to continue its monitoring.We have twice defined the level of hydrogen sulfide, in almost the same coordinates,away from Poti sea 3miles depth, in both cases, the spread of hydrogen sulfide is identical,asses in the internationally recognized size parameters and is equal to 180 m (see in the annex graph.1 and photo.1 )

There is a different situation in the waters inflow of the sea,which are often polluted by some heavy metals, biogenic compound and biological parameters. Whereas the wastewater in the seas, along with other factors, determine the quality of sea water.

In order to stop the intensity of the abrasive processes caused by the increase in the level of the Black Sea, relevant recommendations have been worked out,in which you are given thatin order to protect the sea coastline from abrasive processes it is necessary to regulate the hydrological regime of rivers, so that the equilibrium should be based on the washing of the coastline and the solid river transported by rivers.At the same time, arrangement of hydraulic construction against sea-wave-resistance is necessary.

The determination has been implemented from right to left: project director. Doctor, professor Robert Diakonidze; doctors LevanTsulukidze and TamrikoSupatashvili; engineer-mechanic of floating mean UshangiKakauridze.