SRNSFG announces 2022 Call for Fundamental Research State Grants
Title of the call: Fundamental Research State Grants
Call Abbreviation: FR
Aim of the call:
Call for Fundamental Research State Grants aims at gaining new knowledge in various scientific fields and focuses on theoretical and experimental analysis of the theories, models, new ideas and concepts that should facilitate socio-political, economic, public, cultural and technological progress of the country in a long-term perspective. The call supports establishment of competitive research environment, promotes the development of excellent research in compliance with international standards and internationalizations. The call aims at attracting young researchers and developing their scientific potential.
Project type: Institutional
Call Conditions:
The project budget and duration is determined based of the scheme below:
The expenditure of requested sum from the foundation must meet the following requirements:
- Grant funding for the key personnel should not exceed 40000 GEL per year;
- In the case of young scientists’ involvement in the project grant funding for the key personnel should not exceed 45000 GEL per year, in case of two or more young scientists’ involvement in the project grant funding for the key personnel should not exceed 50000 GEL per year;
- In the case of young scientists’ involvement in the project their funding should be at least 9000 GEL per year for each young scientist;
- Salary for supporting personnel should not exceed 5000 GEL per year in total;
- Overhead – Indirect costs required for realization of planned project activities should not exceed 5% of requested funding from SRNSFG in total.
Call administration calendar:
- February 1 – March 30, 16:00 –Registration in the Grants Management Unified System (GMUS);
- February 7, February 21, March 7, March 21 - Online group consultation dates;
- April 12, 16:00 – deadline for delivering the application document at the SRNSFG office;
- April –May – Eligibility check of the submitted projects;
- June– Publish midterm results of the call;
- May – December -Evaluation of submitted projects by independent reviewers/group of reviewers;
- January - February 2023 – Publish final results of the call;
- February – March 2023 – Sign the grant agreement.
Call Regulatory documentation:
- Decree of the Government of Georgia N84;
- Decree of the SRNSFG Director General N04;
- The Fields of Science and Technology Classification (GEO/ENG);
- Budget classification;
- List of deliverables;
- Evaluation criteria.
Useful annexes and material:
- Terms of Reference – annex 1
- General information about the project – fill in GMUS, annex 2
- Project proposal- annex 3 (GEO/ENG)
- CV – Fill in GMUS, annex 4;
- Letter of Personal Commitment of the foreign advisor (if applicable) - annex 5
- Project timeframe – Fill in GMUS, annex 6
- Project budget and justification – Fill in GMUS, annex 7
- Letter of co-funding commitment (if applicable) – annex 8 (GEO/ENG)
- Letter of support on providing access to research infrastructure (if applicable) – annex 9 (GEO/ENG)
- Statement of participation in the call- Generated from GMUS after project is submitted, annex 10
- FAQ;
Links to the Grants Management Unified System
Instruction to the online registration
Please read Minister’s Decree, SRNSFG Director General’s decree, call conditions and other annexes carefully;
Only group consultations will be held;
Send all the questions at the e-mail address:
Call coordinators:
Lana Davituliani – 598 17 17 09
Ana Polodashvili
Contact information -
Good Luck!