The SRNSFG announces the 2021 Call for Research Grants for Young Scientists
Title of the Call
Research Grants for Young Scientists
Call abbreviation – YS
Goals of the call
The call aims to enhance development of the young scientists’ research quality through supporting their research projects, interdisciplinary scientific collaboration and integration in the international scientific activities as well as to support the development and improvement of the higher educational institutions in Georgia.
Project proposal type – institutional
Major terms and conditions of the Call:
Within the frame of the call, young scientists can submit project proposals in the scientific fields defined by the scientific field classifier as follows:
- Exact and Natural sciences;
- Engineering and technology;
- Medicine and healthcare;
- Agricultural sciences;
- Social Sciences;
- Humanitarian sciences;
- Georgian Studies.
In order to obtain grant in the frame of the Call for Research Grants for Young Scientists, a proposal should be submitted jointly by the host institution and a young scientist, having attained the PhD or equivalent degree during 7 years prior to the Call announcement.
The host institution can be LEPL or NNLE registered in Georgia, the statute of which defines implementation of research activities as its primary goal as well as higher educational institution in Georgia.
- A young scientist should have a mentor who is a member of academic/ scientific personnel of the host institution;
- A young scientist can also have consultant (s). The consultant(s) can be a citizen of a foreign country;
- No more than 2 people can be involved in the project as supporting personnel.
Duration of the research project should be 2 years.
Requested funding from SRNSFG should not exceed 30 000 GEL per year and 60 000 GEL per two years.
The project can have co-funding (additional financial source) that will cover certain part of expenditures defined in the project budget.
Funding required from the SRNSFG includes the following categories of expenditures:
- Young scientist’s stipend (should not exceed 15 000 GELper year)
- Expenditure for research activities (should not exceed 13 500 GELper year)
- Overhead costs (should not exceed 1500 GELper year)
Call administration calendar:
- April 5, April 12 and April 19 – online group consultations(registration link will be posted on this page)
- April 20 – deadline for sending questions via email;
- From March 26 to April 26, 16:00 – dates for electronic registration in GMUS;
- May 7, 16:00 – deadline for providing the application document at the SRNSFG office;
- May – technical expertise of the submitted projects; checking their compliance with the terms and conditions of the call, identifying and correcting the deficiencies;
- May– announcement of the results of technical expertise – information about the projects withdrew due to incompliance with the terms and conditions of the call;
- June – November – evaluation of projects;
- November - making a ranking lists based on the evaluation received from experts and / or expert group (s), identifying and approving winner projects, and, if necessary, make changes to the project
- November- December– signing the grant agreement and fund the winners
Call regulatory documents
- Minister’s decree №135/N dated as of October 12, 2015
- Decree of the SRNSFG Director General № 27 dated as of March 25, 2021
- Evaluation criteria
Documents and annexes required for the project
- Call terms and conditions – annex 1
- Cover page (sample) – annex 2
- Project proposal – annex 3 (GEO/ENG)
- CV (sample) -annex 4
- Letter of commitment of mentor/consultant - annex 5(GEO/ENG)
- Project timeframe - annex 6 (GEO/ENG)
- Project budget and budget justification (sample) - annex 7 (GEO/ENG)
- Letter of co-funding commitment (if applicable) - annex 8 (GEO/ENG)
- Letter of support on providing access to research infrastructure (if applicable) - annex 9 (GEO/ENG)
- Statement of participation in the call- annex 10, generated from GMUS after project registration
- Scientific fields classifier (GEO/ENG)-annex 11
- Rule of funding for the projects participating in the call
Link for electronic registration
The Grants Management Unified System (GMUS)
Important information for applicants
- Please, carefully read the Minister’s Decree, SRNSFG Director General’s decree, call Terms and conditions and other annexes;
- Only group consultations will be held;
- Deadline for sending the questions electronically-20/04/2021 at the e-mail address: . The document of Frequently Asked Question will be uploaded online and updated periodically.
Call coordinators:
Miranda Tedeshvili- program issues 599340533 (Please call only during the working hours)
Tornike Skhirtladze- program issues 577711765 (Please call only during the working hours)
Madina Gaurgashvili-consultant of financial issues
Contact information
The SRNSFG wishes you good luck!